Nanopixels Display For Virtual Reality | Syntec Optics

Apple has filed a patent application for their future VR head-mounted display, specifically a system allowing users to customize the headset’s fit on their face to be comfortable and snug. A head-mounted display is worn on the user’s head and engages the user’s face. However, by engaging the face, the head-mounted display may limit facial [..]

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Flexible Optical Fiber That Functions As A Temperature Sensor

Researchers created the first silicon chip compact 3D LiDAR imaging system capable of matching and exceeding the performance and accuracy of the most advanced mechanical systems currently in use. 3D LiDAR can provide accurate imaging and mapping for various applications; it serves as the “eyes” for self-driving cars and is used in facial recognition software [..]

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Coupled Lasers Generate Unique Light Pulses | Syntec Optics

Researchers have developed a unique ink iet printing method for fabricating tiny biocompatible polymer microdisk lasers for biosensing applications. The approach enables the production of both the laser and sensor in a room temperature, open-air environment, potentially enabling new uses of biosensing technologies for health monitoring and disease diagnostics. Using an inexpensive and portable commercial [..]

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Cryo-Raman Microscopy: A New Era In Biological Imaging | Syntec Optics

Scientists could image SARS-CoV-2 using a helium ion microscope for the first time. In contrast to more traditional electron microscopy, helium ion microscopy does not require a thin metal coating on the samples. It allows a more detailed examination of interactions between coronaviruses and their host cells. The study demonstrates that the helium ion microscope [..]

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Diagnosing Bacterial Infections With Machine Learning | Syntec Optics

A group of scientists is working on an advanced X-ray imaging method that will aid in the detection and diagnosis of breast cancer. The noninvasive technology employs dyes known as contrast agents specifically designed to recognize and bind to breast cancer cells at the molecular level. When imaged with a special, cutting-edge computed tomography (CT) [..]

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Quantum Light Revolutionizes Time-Domain Spectroscopy | Syntec Optics

Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) is a possible rapid, non-contact method for detecting and quantitatively analyzing various isotopes, including hydrogen critical to various disciplines (e.g., nuclear energy, hydrogen storage). With no sample preparation requirement, a relatively simple experimental set-up, and the ability to detect all elements in the periodic table in a matter of seconds, the [..]

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Microfluidic Component Library Democratizes Device Fabrication | Syntec Optics

In many ways, our brain and digestive tract are inextricably linked. Recent research has even suggested that bacteria in our gut may have an impact on some neurological diseases. Modeling these complex interactions in animals like mice is difficult because their physiology differs greatly from that of humans. Researchers have created an “organs-on-a-chip” system that [..]

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Light-Trapping Metasurfaces For Highly Sensitive Biosensors | Syntec Optics

Polarization, or the direction in which light vibrates, is imperceptible to the human eye but contains a wealth of information about the objects with which it interacts. Controlling and characterizing polarization is critical for various applications ranging from biomedical imaging to optical communications. Researchers have created metasurface optics, which allow them to remotely control the [..]

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Palm Vein Biometrics With Hyperspectral Imaging and AI | Syntec Optics

A patent application for an under-display optical fingerprint biometric sensor based on a narrow field-of-view collimator filed has been published by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). While an in-display version of Touch ID biometrics has not been announced, numerous intellectual property filings and other indications have suggested it is at least under consideration. [..]

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GaAs Lasers Grown Directly On Silicon | Syntec Optics

Researchers discovered that trap states govern the performance of organic photodetectors, limiting their detectability. Organic photodetectors (OPDs) have enormous potential for low-cost imaging, health monitoring, and near-infrared sensing applications. However, before these applications can be commercialized, the performance of these devices must be improved. Recent research on organic photodetectors based on donor-acceptor systems has yielded [..]

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Mandibular Canals – AI Model Helps Localization | Syntec Optics

One of the most common types of oral cancer is oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC), for which the five-year survival rate has stubbornly remained at 50% for many years, partly due to late-stage diagnosis. Better identifying both OSCC and the non-malignant lesions that can precede it would help to reduce the disease’s impact, and optical [..]

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Nanocrystals Light The Way To Next-Gen Computing | Syntec Optics

Researchers have developed the next generation of ultrafast data transmission, which could enable already high-performance computing to be provided “on demand.” The technology uses a hybrid silicon-vanadium dioxide waveguide that can turn light on and off in less than one trillionth of a second to unjam bottlenecks in data streams. The researchers show that data [..]

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A New Era In Vision Restoration: Whole Eye Transplantation | Syntec Optics

According to a review, collaboration between artificial intelligence systems and clinicians may lead to mutual advancements in glaucoma research and clinical practice. Given that glaucomatous changes to the optic nerve head tissues are an irreversible, timely, and dependable structural and functional evaluation of the eye could aid in glaucoma diagnosis. AI-based systems have revolutionized the [..]

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Redefining Optical Modulators: A New Eras | Syntec Optics

Artificial neural networks, which are layers of interconnected artificial neurons, are becoming increasingly popular in machine learning tasks such as speech recognition and medical diagnosis. Electronic computing hardware is nearing its capabilities, but the demand for more computing power is always increasing. Researchers chose the photonic processor over the electronic processor to transmit data at [..]

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Miniaturized FPAS: A Revolution In Gas Sensing | Syntec Optics

Researchers recently obtained new results on dielectronic recombination precision spectroscopy. One of the most important collision reactions in the plasma environment is electron-ion recombination. The most fundamental input parameters for astrophysical and fusion plasma modeling are precise electron-ion recombination rate coefficients. The radiation lines produced by the dielectronic recombination (DR) process can be used as [..]

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Holographic Encryption: A New Frontier In Optical Security | Syntec Optics

Visualizing and measuring thin-film thickness at the nanoscale during dynamic evolution has long been a long-standing challenge. A joint-imaging method and its innovative procedure for combining digital holography (DH) and white light colorimetric interferometry (WLCI) measurement data are presented in a single intelligent tool. The method enables a comprehensive quantitative study of the dynamic evolution [..]

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ON/OFF Switching: Resolution Redefined | Syntec Optics

Researchers have developed a mechanical scanning-free microscopy method. The technique significantly improves the efficacy of fluorescence lifetime microscopy (FLIM). The fact that fluorescence decay occurs quickly is a major limitation of traditional fluorescence lifetime microscopy methods; most ordinary cameras are incapable of capturing it. Using a single-point photodetector solves the problem, but the device must [..]

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Thermal Scanner Screens Six People At Once | Syntec Optics

The U.S. Army Research Laboratory discovered a new AR technology to overcome bright lighting conditions during the day using low-contrast dimming highlights. It opens up new research questions to improve warfighter AR and heads-up display performance in outdoor operations. It’s difficult to make AR displays brighter due to the amount of power needed, and it’s [..]

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Smart Sensors: Rethinking Energy Use In Optoelectronics | Syntec Optics

Optoelectronic advancements necessitate materials with novel and engineered properties. Metal-halide perovskites have sparked tremendous interest owing to meteoric increases in the photovoltaic efficiencies of perovskite solar cells. Furthermore, recent advances in metal-halide perovskites have resulted in using perovskite nanocrystals (NCs) in light-emitting devices. It was recently discovered that the unusually efficient light emission of cesium [..]

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Event-Based Vision Sensor: A New Era of Lightning Observation | Syntec Optics

Researchers in the United States created a lithium-niobate microresonator on a chip. They demonstrated that it could generate photon pairs more than 100 times faster than other chip-based photon sources. They believe that by combining it with other optical components, the tiny resonator could aid in the “widespread adoption” of quantum devices. The spontaneous parametric [..]

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