Electrogenerated Chemiluminescence – Spectroscopy

Electrochemiluminescence, also known as electrogenerated chemiluminescence, is one of the most widely used techniques for producing light through efficient electron transfer (ECL). Individual ECL spectra showing emitted light are collected continuously during a potentiodynamic course, allowing ECL mechanisms to be investigated.

The obtained spectra are spooled together and plotted along the applied potential axis, which is directly proportional to time because the potential sweep occurs at a defined rate. Any changes in the emission spectra can be correlated to the corresponding potentials and times, resulting in a better understanding of the mechanism for a light generation—information that can efficiently maximize electrogenerated chemiluminescence intensities.

Tracking the formation of intermediates and excited states is also possible, which is important for interrogating and drawing electron transfer pathways (i.e., understanding the chemical reaction mechanism). Researchers include instructions for using related methodologies, such as spooling photoluminescence spectroscopy during an electrolysis procedure, which can be easily set up so that spooling spectroscopy is not limited to electrogenerated chemiluminescence.

From making electrodes and an ECL cell to fabricating light-tight housing and setting up instruments, the protocol takes 49 hours to complete. Making an electrolyte solution of a targeted luminophore, cooling down the CCD camera, calibrating the spectrometer, and surveying electrochemistry takes 1 hour 15 minutes, and the spooling ECL spectroscopy experiments itself take 10 minutes.

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