Event-Based Vision Sensor: A New Era of Lightning Observation | Syntec Optics

Researchers have created a method that combines optics and magnetic particles that can test 100 samples of patients who may be infected with the virus and cut the diagnostic time to around 15 minutes after realizing that current methods of coronavirus diagnosis take about an hour. By joining the virus’ RNA to a fluorescent molecule [..]

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Redefining Optical Modulators: A New Eras | Syntec Optics

Scientists have observed light traveling through a unique substance without reflections. The photonic crystal substance comprises two pieces with subtly different perforation patterns. Light can move along the border between these two regions uniquely because it is “topologically protected” and does not reflect flaws. The light follows the boundary without any issues, even when it [..]

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A Breakthrough In LWIR Detection | Syntec Optics

Using a particular kind of light beam (polarization of light) to stimulate certain exotic materials has led a team of scientists to discover that an identically asymmetrical pattern can be produced and measured at will in these materials. In this instance, the “handedness” phenomenon—known as chirality—occurs in the abundance of electrons within the substance rather [..]

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A New Era In Vision Restoration: Whole Eye Transplantation | Syntec Optics

According to project managers, Galahad, a Horizon 2020 research project creating an OCT platform for enhanced early glaucoma screening, has successfully finished its job. The three-year program to create ultra-high resolution polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography, called Galahad, from Glaucoma Advanced, LAbel-free High resolution Automated OCT Diagnostics, has ended. (UHR-PS-OCT). By utilizing only OCT volumes focused [..]

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Cryo-Raman Microscopy: A New Era In Biological Imaging | Syntec Optics

The results of a successful demonstration of a lensless on-chip microscopy platform by a biomedical engineering lecturer at a university have been published in Lab on a Chip. He claims that his ptychography platform offers a low-cost alternative for disease detection while removing several of the most prevalent issues with traditional optical microscopy. The platform [..]

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Inkjet-Printed Laser: The Future of Displays | Syntec Optics

Semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) may power various optical devices that produce light in the near- and mid-infrared (IR) spectral ranges. But basic physical constraints reduce the power of IR-emitting QDs. According to Fermi’s golden rule, the quantum yield of such QDs declines at longer wavelengths as the radiative emission rate falls, while nonradiative recombination channels [..]

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OAM Light: A New Frontier In Non-Invasive Medical Diagnostics | Syntec Optics

Using pseudo-random speckle patterns to image targets is efficient (high-resolution imaging), but most approaches require bulky, expensive, complex, and slow machinery. A smaller device capable of generating random speckles is required to apply this technique to biomedical imaging, such as ultra-thin endoscopy or in vivo neural imaging. A group of scientists demonstrated using a multimode [..]

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Neuromelanin-Sensitive MRI: Understanding Substance Use | Syntec Optics

While living tissue significantly attenuates and scatters visible light, attenuation, and scattering are less for two spectral regions at slightly longer wavelengths. The first and second near-infrared (NIR) windows refer to these frequencies. Although labels emitting in the NIR-II band are challenging, this band is especially attractive. A group of scientists has created an organic [..]

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Redefining Optical Modulators: A New Eras | Syntec Optics

A research team has created a low-cost colloidal quantum dot photodetector that can sense long-wave infrared (IR) light and may eventually replace more expensive commercially available options. According to the researchers, the new technology closes a gap in the photodetection spectrum and may be helpful for environmental monitoring, food inspection, and gas analysis. With silicon [..]

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Inkjet-Printed Laser: The Future of Displays | Syntec Optics

Non-line-of-sight imaging (NLoS), which is the task of recovering image data from objects hidden from direct observation or hidden by corners, can be approached in several ways, frequently requiring techniques to recover data from highly scattered or diffuse optical signals. In recent years, methods for reconstructing images using the intrinsic spatial correlations encoded in scattered [..]

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Hyperspectral Lidar: A New Weapon Against Plastic | Syntec Optics

Particularly when it comes to a 3-D scanner in cutting-edge technology, faster is sometimes better. Researchers are working to create a 3-D lidar sensor that is portable and simple to use, with uses in autonomous vehicles, robots and drones, security systems, and more. In a field where speed is frequently valued above other factors, researchers [..]

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SPACe: A New Era In Drug Discovery | Syntec Optics

Accurate identification and segmentation of choroidal neovascularization (CNV) are crucial for detecting and treating exudative age-related macular degeneration. (AMD). Cross-sectional and en-face imaging of CNV is possible with PR-OCTA or projection-resolved optical coherence tomographic i.e., OCT angiography. Due to the persistence of residual artifacts, CNV segmentation and detection remain challenging even with PR-OCT Angiography. In [..]

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Laser-Wakefield Acceleration Gets A 3D View | Syntec Optics

In real-time, scientists observed that helium nanodroplets respond ultrafast after being excited by XUV radiation (extreme ultraviolet radiation). Researchers now have new opportunities for thoroughly examining the basic characteristics of matter thanks to lasers that produce intense, brief XUV and X-ray bursts. Nanometer-sized material samples are of special interest in many of these experiments. Some [..]

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New Imaging Technique Aids In Water Decontamination | Syntec Optics

In mammalian brains, neuronal activity is frequently investigated at cellular and subcellular levels using two-photon laser scanning microscopy imaging. These investigations are still limited to a particular functional area of the brain. A novel method known as the multiarea two-photon real-time in vitro explorer ie, MATRIEX Imaging, was recently reported by researchers. The technique enabled [..]

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Light-Trapping Metasurfaces For Highly Sensitive Biosensors | Syntec Optics

Scientists have created a brand-new kind of optical metasurface that only allows light to reflect in one way. The researchers empirically proved nonreciprocal light reflection at wavelengths around 860 nm by utilizing an ultrathin nonlinear metasurface’s spatial and temporal phase manipulation. The novel metasurface may facilitate the creation of scalable, magnetic-free, nonreciprocal devices that can [..]

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Integrated Optical Phased Arrays: A New Era Of Optical Tweezers | Syntec Optics

Infrared wavelengths, which have been challenging to produce with silicon chip technology, can now be converted into visible wavelengths thanks to the developing of a novel chip-integrated light source. This adaptable method of on-chip light production is set to make it possible to produce highly compact photonic instruments that are reliable enough to be used [..]

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Neuromelanin-Sensitive MRI: Understanding Substance Use | Syntec Optics

The majority of people find having an ultrasound to be a simple procedure: A technician applies gentle pressure to a probe against a patient’s skin, sending out sound waves that pass through the skin and bounce off muscle, fat, and other soft tissues before returning to the probe, which picks up the waves and interprets [..]

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Event-Based Vision Sensor: A New Era of Lightning Observation | Syntec Optics

For the first time, scientists could identify very low concentrations of a cancer protein biomarker in a urine sample using a chip-based optical sensor with an embedded laser. The new technology is more sensitive than previous models and may result in non-invasive, low-cost methods to identify molecules that signify the existence or progression of a [..]

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Flexible Optical Fiber That Functions As A Temperature Sensor

A study team has demonstrated real-time monitoring of enzyme reactions using a quantum sensor. The scientists created a system that enabled them to regulate light down to the level of a single particle. It allowed for dim illumination without affecting the enzymes, potentially leading to increased sensitivity. The ability to directly address the sample enabled [..]

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4D Imaging With Microlens Array | Syntec Optics

The visual system of the mantis shrimp, a marine crustacean whose eyes handle data about both the hue and the polarization of light, has long captivated optical scientists. These capabilities have been the driving force behind several optical devices that extract 3-D spatial and polarization information concurrently. However, cramming both characteristics into a small optical [..]

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