A laser-based interferometer sensor that can quickly identify coronavirus from saliva or nasal swab at the site of infection is being developed by researchers. The researchers are working on a brand-new optical biosensor demonstrator that can quickly and painlessly identify COVID-19 in humans as soon as it enters the body. The sensor is far more [..]
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For use with adaptive optical (AO) systems combined with big ground-based astronomical telescopes, artificial “guide stars” are created in the mesosphere at an altitude of about 90 km using lasers that emit light at the sodium line, which is a doublet at a wavelength of about 589 nm. Astronomers can use AO to rectify atmospheric [..]
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Computed tomography (CT), which can find lung tumors, is regularly used to screen people at a high risk of lung cancer, such as heavy smokers. However, because it also detects benign nodules in the lungs, this test has a very high incidence of false positives. Researchers have created a urine test to diagnose lung cancer [..]
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An advanced X-ray imaging technique called propagation-based phase-contrast CT (PB-CT) can produce diagnostic breast images of better quality than absorption-based CT (AB-CT) at glandular radiation doses similar to or lower than traditional mammography and digital breast tomosynthesis. (DBT). The technology is presently only suitable for synchrotron light sources, but as compact light sources develop, the [..]
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High-performance mid-infrared laser diodes have been made for the first time directly on silicon substrates suitable for microelectronics. The new lasers may make the widespread creation of low-cost sensors for real-time, precise environmental sensing for air pollution tracking, food safety analysis, and pipe leak detection possible. Most optical chemical instruments rely on the interaction of [..]
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Concerns about the potential effects of plastic coatings in optoelectronic devices have begun to surface as the environmental cost of plastic microparticles and nanoparticles has become increasingly obvious. A research team suggests one potential response: Use fish scales to create the pictures. The team focused on the transparent plastic films that are used in a [..]
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The study of vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) positioning is crucial to the safety of autonomous cars. Global positioning system (GPS) has gained popularity as an option because it is inexpensive and simple to use. Researchers have suggested a reliable vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) positioning technique based on visible light transmission that uses a monocular camera. (VLC). The baseline, which [..]
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Scanning probe microscopy (SPM) has revolutionized materials science, nanotechnology, chemistry, and biology by making it possible to map surface properties and manipulate surfaces with atomic precision. These accomplishments, though, still require ongoing human supervision; completely automated SPM is still a work in progress. Researchers present a machine learning-based artificial intelligence system for autonomous SPM operation. [..]
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Biological engineers have developed a multi-tissue model on a specialized microfluidic platform seeded with human cells, enabling them to research the interactions between various organs and the immune system. The study team investigated the function of circulating immune cells in ulcerative colitis and other inflammatory diseases using this model, also known as “organ-on-a-chip” or “physiome [..]
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In science and technology, terahertz waves are becoming more and more significant. They allow us to examine the characteristics of potential materials, evaluate the effectiveness of automotive paint, and try envelopes. But producing these surges is still difficult. Researchers have now created a germanium component that produces brief terahertz pulses with an advantageous quality: the [..]
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Apart from AR and VR, there are recent developments in wearable technology. According to a project, a novel approach to the design of the light-emitting fabric could create luminous clothing that is softer and more comfortable to wear. The porous structures and non-planar surfaces of the fabrics have previously prevented the production of wearable e-textiles [..]
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A research team has reported a technique for creating metamolecules with two independently controllable subwavelength meta-atoms. Thanks to this two-parametric control, the metamolecule can be completely controlled regarding amplitude and the phase of the light – light modulator. The group proposed a graphene-based active metasurface that could independently regulate the amplitude and phase of mid-infrared [..]
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Researchers have created a method that combines optics and magnetic particles that can test 100 samples of patients who may be infected with the virus and cut the diagnostic time to around 15 minutes after realizing that current methods of coronavirus diagnosis take about an hour. By joining the virus’ RNA to a fluorescent molecule [..]
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Scientists have observed light traveling through a unique substance without reflections. The photonic crystal substance comprises two pieces with subtly different perforation patterns. Light can move along the border between these two regions uniquely because it is “topologically protected” and does not reflect flaws. The light follows the boundary without any issues, even when it [..]
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Using a particular kind of light beam (polarization of light) to stimulate certain exotic materials has led a team of scientists to discover that an identically asymmetrical pattern can be produced and measured at will in these materials. In this instance, the “handedness” phenomenon—known as chirality—occurs in the abundance of electrons within the substance rather [..]
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According to project managers, Galahad, a Horizon 2020 research project creating an OCT platform for enhanced early glaucoma screening, has successfully finished its job. The three-year program to create ultra-high resolution polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography, called Galahad, from Glaucoma Advanced, LAbel-free High resolution Automated OCT Diagnostics, has ended. (UHR-PS-OCT). By utilizing only OCT volumes focused [..]
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The results of a successful demonstration of a lensless on-chip microscopy platform by a biomedical engineering lecturer at a university have been published in Lab on a Chip. He claims that his ptychography platform offers a low-cost alternative for disease detection while removing several of the most prevalent issues with traditional optical microscopy. The platform [..]
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Semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) may power various optical devices that produce light in the near- and mid-infrared (IR) spectral ranges. But basic physical constraints reduce the power of IR-emitting QDs. According to Fermi’s golden rule, the quantum yield of such QDs declines at longer wavelengths as the radiative emission rate falls, while nonradiative recombination channels [..]
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Using pseudo-random speckle patterns to image targets is efficient (high-resolution imaging), but most approaches require bulky, expensive, complex, and slow machinery. A smaller device capable of generating random speckles is required to apply this technique to biomedical imaging, such as ultra-thin endoscopy or in vivo neural imaging. A group of scientists demonstrated using a multimode [..]
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While living tissue significantly attenuates and scatters visible light, attenuation, and scattering are less for two spectral regions at slightly longer wavelengths. The first and second near-infrared (NIR) windows refer to these frequencies. Although labels emitting in the NIR-II band are challenging, this band is especially attractive. A group of scientists has created an organic [..]
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