Smart Sensors: Rethinking Energy Use In Optoelectronics | Syntec Optics

Scientists have developed the first room-temperature, electrically driven, topological laser, which could be useful in telecom wavelength applications. The novel device comprises a 10 by 10 grid of 30-micron-wide rings. Small oblong rings around 5 microns wide connect these rings. All these rings consist of a sandwich of layers of semiconductors, such as indium gallium [..]

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Event-Based Vision Sensor: A New Era of Lightning Observation | Syntec Optics

Researchers have combined a new oxygen-sensing film with machine learning to create a wearable sensor capable of measuring tissue oxygenation through the skin. The device could continuously monitor a person’s oxygen levels for applications in medicine and sports. The device comprises a 3D-printed housing, a sensor head, and an adhesive oxygen-sensing film. Electronic components process [..]

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A Breakthrough In LWIR Detection | Syntec Optics

The prognosis and successful treatments differ depending on the type of lung cancer. While it previously took several days to precisely determine the underlying lung tumor mutation, a research team has been able to perform this determination in just one step reliably. They used a combination of quantum cascade laser-based infrared microscopy and machine learning. [..]

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Bionic Eye Could Enable Night Vision | Syntec Optics

Researchers created a camera with a curved, adaptable imaging sensor that could improve image quality in endoscopes, night vision goggles, artificial compound eyes, and fish-eye cameras. Kirigami, the Japanese art of paper cutting, was used to create the camera. Existing curvy imagers are stretchable but have low pixel density and pixel fill factors, or they [..]

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SPACe: A New Era In Drug Discovery | Syntec Optics

Researchers have developed a deep-learning platform to speed up the MRI reconstruction process. The framework takes a fraction of the traditional technique’s measurements. It uses plug-and-play algorithms to combine physics-driven data acquisition models with state-of-the-art learned image models. The plug-and-play techniques recover pictures faster, with improved quality and potentially superior diagnostic utility than existing MRI [..]

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Leveraging Thermal Imaging Technology For Food Preservation | Syntec Optics

Infrared imaging applications are growing from food quality control and remote sensing to night vision devices and LiDAR. IR cameras convert infrared light to electrons and project the resultant image on display. However, such cameras are bulky, disrupt normal vision, and require low temperatures. Alternatively, a nonlinear optical process – nonlinear sum-frequency generation (SFG) – [..]

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SERS Gets Smarter: AI For Toxin Detection | Syntec Optics

Researchers have discovered a new method for faster spectroscopic measurements. They observed changes in the light spectrum by using simple, rapid polarization measurements by linking polarization to the color of a pulsed laser. The technique opens up new possibilities for measuring spectral changes over the complete color spectrum of light in a nanosecond time frame. [..]

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High-Impact Organic Metal Halide Hybrids For Optoelectronics | Syntec Optics

Light-emitting, energy-harvesting, and sensing technologies could all benefit from optoelectronic materials that can convert light energy into electricity and light. However, devices leveraging these materials are notoriously inefficient, wasting a considerable amount of valuable energy in heat. New light-electricity conversion principles can break the present efficiency restrictions. Inversion symmetry is a physical property that restricts [..]

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Rhobo6: A Breakthrough In Live Imaging Of The ECM | Syntec Optics

A new computational method dramatically increases the resolution of atomic force microscopy. Under standard physiological settings, the approach exposes atomic-level data on proteins and other biological structures. It gives up a new world of possibilities in cell biology, virology, and other microscopic processes. In physics, atomic force microscopy can efficiently resolve atoms on solid surfaces [..]

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Tissue Model Reveals Role Of Blood-Brain Barrier In Alzheimer’s | Syntec Optics

Cancer immunotherapy has brought a paradigm shift in cancer treatment. It uses the immune system’s strength to treat cancers. However, next-generation cancer immunotherapies have yet to reach their full potential. A limitation is the poor throughput of functional screens that can only evaluate a few thousand antibodies. Droplet microfluidic technology enables exceptional throughput in cell [..]

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OAM Light: A New Frontier In Non-Invasive Medical Diagnostics | Syntec Optics

New imaging technology may lead to the early detection of neurological illnesses such as Alzheimer’s, allowing doctors to diagnose and treat patients more swiftly. The super-resolution imaging technique combines position emission tomography (PET) with an external motion-tracking device to provide detailed brain images. The patient’s undesired movements frequently hamper the quality of brain PET images [..]

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New Accelerometers Enable All-Optical Sensing Networks

All imaging systems consist of two main components: lenses and the spaces between them. The distances between lenses are just as critical to image formation as the lenses themselves. They can easily be greater than the summed thicknesses of the lenses. Now researchers have developed an optic called spaceplate to address this dominant contribution to [..]

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Self-Assembling Materials For Thin FIlms | Syntec Optics

High-performance mirrors are critical for constructing optical resonators in various applications in optics and photonics. Stable resonators narrow the linewidth of continuous-wave lasers, creating optical references for frequency comb stabilization and precision molecular spectroscopy. High-performance, low-loss mirrors at mid-infrared wavelengths can help researchers probe new phenomena with increased precision in chemical sensing, discrete imaging, ultracold [..]

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New Imaging Technique Aids In Water Decontamination | Syntec Optics

A new human brain imaging technology employs laser light and ultrasonic sound waves. Improvements to photoacoustic computerized tomography (PACT) technology are part of the advancement. It is so precise and sensitive that the researchers could identify even minute variations in the amount of blood moving through tiny blood arteries and the oxygenation status of that [..]

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Sea Sponges Inspire Bacteria-Based Microlenses | Syntec Optics

Scientists have developed a new spectroscopy technique that can spot glass imperfections. The method helps spot the subsurface structural changes of silica glass due to nanoscale wear and damage. Applications like electronic displays and vehicle windshields will benefit from this development. Surface defects are the main reason glass is less strong than steel. The researchers [..]

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High-Power Tunable Lasers Revolutionize Integrated Photonics | Syntec Optics

The convergence of nanophotonic resonators and scalable integrated photonics can benefit integrated microcomb-based systems. Optical frequency synthesis, optical atomic clocks, optical distance ranging, optical spectroscopy, microwave, radiofrequency photonics, astronomy, and telecommunications are all applications for these systems. These systems require integrated photonic interposers. Photonic interposers are required to realize the cost, size, weight, power, performance, [..]

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High Refractive Index Polymers For Eco-Friendly Optoelectronics | Syntec Optics

The development of a blood-oxygen sensor (that clips onto your finger) eliminated the need for costly, risky, time-consuming invasive measurements that required drawing of blood and provided accurate results in real-time. Modern optoelectronics technologies have made “medicine” much more accessible, quicker, and safer. However, the blood-oxygen sensor can only measure oxygen saturation in the circulatory [..]

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Photographic Lenses Made From Tunable Metasurfaces | Syntec Optics

Researchers have developed a novel hardware design for recording neuronal activity across the three dimensions of a restrained zebrafish larva brain. This approach can help reconstruct the brain dynamics during sensory stimulation. The new design uses a traditional multiphoton microscope with an 8-kHz resonant scanner. It integrates a remote focusing system upstream based on an [..]

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Autonomous Quantum Heat Engine Paves The Way For Miniaturization | Syntec Optics

Scientists have begun to wonder if they are looking for the correct type of dark matter. Traditional particle physics experiments are looking for much heavier proportions. Now, researchers have repurposed existing tabletop sensor technology to look for the particles that might make up the dark matter. There is a possibility – dark photons may constitute [..]

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Glass Display Gets Tougher With Thin Film Coating | Syntec Optics

High-performance mirrors are employed to construct optical resonators in various applications in optics and photonics. Developing low-loss mirrors like those readily available throughout the near-infrared spectral region is a long-standing goal for optics and photonics researchers. High reflectance coatings play a significant part in the fabrication of low-loss mirrors. The key performance metrics for any [..]

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