UV Light In COVID-19 Disinfection

A group of researchers has advocated for the use of UV light as a ‘particularly efficient, easily deployable, and economically affordable’ means to limit the spread of coronavirus. The study, involved experts in the fields of virology, immunology, aerosols, architecture, and physics, analyses the possible methods to prevent Sars-Cov-2 propagation in indoor spaces.

Small indoor spaces such as toilets, elevators, and office pantries, which are used only intermittently but involve a high turnover of people, could be protected through exposure to the high intensity of UVC radiation while not in use. The same approach could be used in public transportation, with periodic irradiation cycles after a certain number of stops or times of continuous use.

A similar concept could be applied to motion-inactivated UV light (UVC) illumination that would serve as a protective barrier in passageways and corridors. Frequently-touched surfaces, such as handles and handrails, could be directly and continuously exposed to weak UVC sources (from handheld UVC devices) aimed at them, as they involve minor risk from eye irradiation or a limited exposure time on hands.

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