A Breakthrough In LWIR Detection | Syntec Optics

Researchers have shown for the first time how cells across different tissue layers in the eye are affected in people with choroideremia – a rare genetic disorder that leads to blindness. The researchers combined traditional eye imaging techniques with adaptive optics, a technology that improves imaging resolution. The researchers used adaptive optics and indocyanine green [..]

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Light-Trapping Metasurfaces For Highly Sensitive Biosensors | Syntec Optics

Photons are essential in various current research fields and technologies, such as quantum state engineering, which is the foundation of all quantum photonic technologies. Metasurfaces are gaining attention as photon pair sources for quantum research. They can simultaneously transform photons in multiple degrees of freedom, including polarization, frequency, and path. Researchers have now taken another [..]

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Self-Contained Microfluidic Test For Iron And Copper Detection | Syntec Optics

Researchers used a microfluidic device in the lab to simulate an embryonic heart, which resulted in the development of human blood stem cell “precursors,” which are stem cells on the verge of becoming blood stem cells. To create blood stem cells in laboratory dishes, researchers must first understand all of the processes that occur in [..]

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Redefining Optical Modulators: A New Eras | Syntec Optics

Indium phosphide (InP) is an incredibly versatile material. Electronic circuits based on this compound semiconductor are among the fastest currently available, operating at frequencies far exceeding 100 gigahertz (for comparison, modern PC and laptop processors typically clock at 3-4 gigahertz). In photovoltaics, InP is an essential component of ultra-high-efficiency solar cells used in space applications [..]

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Megapixel Fluorescence Microscopy Through Scattering Media | Syntec Optics

Phase transitions, such as those between solids, liquids, and gases, occur in many substances and can occur quickly or slowly. For example, scientists intend to use phase transitions to control various materials’ electronic, structural, or magnetic properties as they change for use in new types of computer memories. In a new study, researchers could examine [..]

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OAM Light: A New Frontier In Non-Invasive Medical Diagnostics | Syntec Optics

Researchers looked at the nucleus of cells inside connective tissues that were deteriorating due to tendinosis. Disease-related disruptions in the environments in which cells exist resulted in the re-organization of the genome – the sum of an organism’s DNA sequences – inside the cell’s nucleus, changing the way cells function and rendering them unable to [..]

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Glass Display Gets Tougher With Thin Film Coating | Syntec Optics

Researchers have made strides toward improving the performance of mixture-based quarter-wave plate laser beam splitter (PLBS) coatings. Because of their unique optical properties, plate beam splitters find uses in quantum communication, measurement, and laser systems. The quarter-wave plate laser beam splitter must have a specific spectral performance in high-power laser systems. It also requires a [..]

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A New Era In Vision Restoration: Whole Eye Transplantation | Syntec Optics

Fundus photography is essential in ophthalmology to screen, diagnose, and manage eye diseases. Wide-field fundus photography has demonstrated its utility in the clinical management of eye diseases such as diabetic retinopathy (DR), age-related macular degeneration (AMD), glaucoma, hypertensive retinopathy, retinal detachments, and vascular pathologies (vascular occlusions, vasculitis, etc.) with ocular metastasis. Choroidal and retinal imaging [..]

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New Accelerometers Enable All-Optical Sensing Networks

Researchers have developed a new ultrasensitive optical sensing instrument that could benefit science, medicine, and engineering. It is known as a Mach Zehnder-Fabry Perot (MZ-FP) hybrid fiber interferometer. It combines the benefits of the two types of interferometers currently available, making it compact and highly sensitive. Interferometers are precision measuring devices that work by creating [..]

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New Imaging Technique Aids In Water Decontamination | Syntec Optics

MRI, electroencephalography (EEG), and magnetoencephalography (MEG) have been the most widely used techniques to study brain activity for many years. A new study introduces a novel, AI-based dynamic brain imaging technology that can map rapidly changing electrical activity in the brain at high speed, high resolution, and low cost. The breakthrough follows more than 30 [..]

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Autonomous Quantum Heat Engine Paves The Way For Miniaturization | Syntec Optics

Researchers used the light-guiding properties of spider silk to create a sensor that can detect and measure tiny changes in the refractive index of a biological solution, such as glucose or other sugar solutions. The new light-based sensor could be useful for measuring blood sugar and other biochemical analytes in the future. Glucose sensors are [..]

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Neuromelanin-Sensitive MRI: Understanding Substance Use | Syntec Optics

Currently, ultrasound imaging necessitates using large, specialized equipment only available in hospitals and doctor’s offices. On the other hand, a new design could make the technology as wearable and accessible as buying Band-Aids at the pharmacy. A new ultrasound sticker, the size of a stamp, adheres to the skin and can provide continuous ultrasound imaging [..]

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Cryo-Raman Microscopy: A New Era In Biological Imaging | Syntec Optics

Mutations in RAS genes, which cause tumor growth in about a quarter of all cancer patients, are among the most infamous cancer drivers. Scientists have solved the molecular structure of SHOC2, a RAS-pathway protein, and two other proteins (that it binds to). The SHOC2-MRAS-PP1C (“SMP”) complex, a three-protein assembly, regulates the RAS signaling pathway and [..]

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Contactless Hand Biometrics: A Step Towards Forensic Applications | Syntec Optics

Researchers have developed a new, lighter convolutional neural network (CNN) model for facial expression recognition. The findings describe an Xception-based model that balances training speed, memory usage, and recognition accuracy. The original Xception model has 71 layers and can load a pre-trained version of the network trained on over a million images from the ImageNet [..]

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Tunable Lasers Hit New Power Levels | Syntec Optics

Researchers have created a self-calibrated photonic chip that builds bridges between data superhighways, revolutionizing the connectivity of current optical chips and replacing bulky 3D optics with a wafer-thin slice of silicon. This development can warp-speed the global advancement of artificial intelligence and offers significant real-world applications such as: autonomous vehicles that interpret their surroundings rapidly [..]

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SPACe: A New Era In Drug Discovery | Syntec Optics

A novel somatostatin-receptor (SSTR) targeting peptide — 18F-SiTATE — has provided excellent imaging in meningioma patients, identifying bone involvement and lesions previously undetected on standard morphological imaging. The PET imaging agent, 18F-SiTATE, has a longer half-life and can be produced in large quantities by a cyclotron, which offers significant logistical advantages over the 68Ga-labeled ligands [..]

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Event-Based Vision Sensor: A New Era of Lightning Observation | Syntec Optics

A new single-mode optical fiber made from sapphire rather than the usual silica can withstand temperatures of over 2000°C as well as high levels of radiation. Although the fiber’s length is currently limited to 1 cm, the technique used to construct it could be extended up to several meters, making it useful for remote sensing [..]

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High-Impact Organic Metal Halide Hybrids For Optoelectronics | Syntec Optics

Scientists studied the implementation of neutron transmutation doping (NTD) to manipulate electron transfer. NTD is a controllable in-situ substitutional doping method. It utilizes the nuclear reactions of thermal neutrons with the nuclei of the atoms in semiconductors. The process provides a new way to dope 2D materials intentionally without extra reagents. Even after fabrication, it [..]

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Infrared Spectroscopy: Revolutionizing C-C Coupling Analysis | Syntec Optics

Researchers have developed a highly accurate and sensitive virus detection method using Raman spectroscopy, a portable virus capture device, and machine learning. The device could enable real-time virus detection and identification to help battle future pandemics. The new virus detection method is label-free and not aimed at any specific virus, thus enabling researchers to identify [..]

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DEEPscope: A New Era Of Deep-Tissue Imaging | Syntec Optics

Researchers have developed a curvelet-based algorithm to quickly measure and reconstruct whole-brain vasculature and brain blood flow in mice. The work could enable future research into the neurovascular mechanisms underlying conditions like Alzheimer’s disease. The new approach deploys ultrasound technology to produce whole-brain images of animal microvasculature in just a few seconds. Instead of averaging [..]

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