Atomic Breathing – Quantum Computing With Optomechanics

The “breathing,” or mechanical vibration that occurs between two layers of atoms, has been harnessed by a research team to create a new quantum technology building block. The research team found that by examining the type of light that those atoms released when triggered by a laser, they could identify atomic breathing or the mechanical oscillation between two layers of atoms. The team’s finding will enable them to encode and send quantum information using the sound of this atomic “breath.” As a result, the team’s invention may act as a novel building block for quantum technologies, which are expected to have a wide range of future applications in industries including computers, communications, and sensor development.

According to the researchers, this atomic breathing discovery aimed to give engineers and scientists a new tool for creating quantum computer circuits. This brand-new atomic-scale platform employs ‘optomechanics,’ a field of study where the movements of light and mechanical objects are fundamentally linked. It offers a brand-new kind of involved quantum effect that may be used for numerous applications to control individual photons moving via integrated optical circuits.

The study team’s next steps will be to scale up the system and create a waveguide consisting of fibers on a chip that collects single photon emissions and routes them where they need to go. The team intends to be able to manage numerous emitters and their associated phonon states rather than just one quantum emitter at a time. As a result, the quantum emitters can “talk” to one another, creating a strong foundation for quantum circuits.

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