Silicon Ion Implantation Advantages In Optoelectronics

The primary component used in electrical engineering is silicon. Silicon is the foundation for all information and computing technologies essential to contemporary society, including computers, communications, astronautics, biomedicine, robotics, and many others.

The slow speed of electrical signal propagation in metal interconnection wiring is the primary challenge to accelerating integrated circuit speeds. It necessitates switching from conventional electronics to optoelectronics, where the active components are light emitters and receivers rather than transistors, thus replacing metal interconnections with optical waveguides. Since silicon has an indirect bandgap, it performs satisfactorily as a light recipient but poorly as a light emitter, unlike A3B5 semiconductors. According to the laws of quantum mechanics, this feature of its electronic structure prohibits light emission (luminescence) under external excitation.

Researchers are attempting to resolve this issue by using nanocrystalline silicon or by coating silicon with films made of other materials that emanate light. But silicon nanocrystals still don’t have enough emissivity (luminescence effectiveness) for use in real uses. The rise in thermal stability of silicon doped with boron ions has been experimentally verified by scientists as a solution to this issue. At 830° C, different heat treatments, and the highest dose of boron ions ever used, it is possible to reach a detectable level of luminescence at room temperature.

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