Event-Based Vision Sensor: A New Era of Lightning Observation | Syntec Optics

Researchers have developed a temperature sensing method using naturally occurring atom-like defects in diamonds. The defects, known as Nitrogen-Vacancy (NV) defects, are naturally occurring flaws in diamonds (two adjacent carbon atoms replaced by a nitrogen atom and a hole). They are easy to obtain and have unusual quantum and nonlinear optical properties. Among them is [..]

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SPACe: A New Era In Drug Discovery | Syntec Optics

A new MRI innovation that makes cancerous tissue glow in medical images could help doctors more accurately detect and track cancer progression over time. The MRI innovation creates images in which cancerous tissue appears to light up compared to healthy tissue, making it easier to see. This new technology has promising potential to improve cancer [..]

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High-Impact Organic Metal Halide Hybrids For Optoelectronics | Syntec Optics

In-sensor computing allows image sensors with internal computing capabilities to reduce communication latency and power consumption for machine vision in distributed systems and robotics. Because of its tunable electrical and optical properties and amenability for heterogeneous integration, two-dimensional semiconductors have several advantages in creating intelligent vision sensors. Researchers have developed a multipurpose infrared image sensor [..]

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SERS Gets Smarter: AI For Toxin Detection | Syntec Optics

Dual-detection impulsive vibrational spectroscopy (DIVS) is a Raman spectroscopy technique. It permits monitoring two types of vibrational signals simultaneously. It offers ultrafast, real-time spectral detection over the low-frequency, or terahertz area of the Raman spectrum and the fingerprint region at a rate of 24,000 spectra per second. The fingerprint and terahertz spectral areas provide complementary [..]

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Rhobo6: A Breakthrough In Live Imaging Of The ECM | Syntec Optics

Increasing the acquisition speed of three-dimensional volumetric imaging is essential – particularly in biological imaging – to unveil specimens’ structural dynamics and functionalities in detail. In conventional laser scanning fluorescence microscopy, volumetric images are constructed from optical sectioning images sequentially acquired by changing the observation plane, limiting the acquisition speed. Researchers have developed a novel [..]

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Tissue Model Reveals Role Of Blood-Brain Barrier In Alzheimer’s | Syntec Optics

A research team developed a technique that uses condensation to noninvasively refill liquid marbles with water. The method could improve the viability of applications such as drug delivery. It could also establish improved opportunities for the droplet-size microreactors to see use in opto- and microfluidics. Liquid marbles are droplets of solution that wrap in a [..]

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Sea Sponges Inspire Bacteria-Based Microlenses | Syntec Optics

Lenses play a crucial role in the quality of the images produced by a machine vision system since they determine the sharpness of the image on the camera sensor. As lenses transmit light the first consideration is the light wavelengths used, as this has a major influence on both chromatic aberration and light transmission. This [..]

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Leveraging Thermal Imaging Technology For Food Preservation | Syntec Optics

Researchers have invented a low-cost continuous fever screening system – SIFTER – based on an RGB-thermal camera. The system can automatically take temperature readings of people walking by, going about their own business, up to three meters away – no one has to stand in front of a camera for a few seconds to take [..]

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High Refractive Index Polymers For Eco-Friendly Optoelectronics | Syntec Optics

Since the earliest scientific developments, researchers have looked to nature as an inspiration source for designing novel functional devices. The so-called bioinspiration and biomimetic designs enabled the development of multifunctional sensors. Recently, researchers developed an ultrasensitive flexible optical waveguide sensor bioinspired in orb webs. They named it bioinspired multifunctional flexible optical sensor (BioMFOS). The multifunctional [..]

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High-Power Tunable Lasers Revolutionize Integrated Photonics | Syntec Optics

The increasing demand for high-resolution and real-time recognition in radar applications has fueled the development of electronic radars with increased bandwidth, high operation frequency, and fast processing capability. However, the generation and processing of wideband radar signals place an additional hardware burden on complex and fast electronics, limiting its capability for high spatial resolution applications. [..]

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MRI Compatible Virtual Reality System | Syntec Optics

Spatial neglect damages the neural networks that support spatial attention and related cognitive and motor functions. People’s spatial orientation is altered, which can cause issues with balance, navigation, memory, reading, and other cognitive processes. While progress has been made in detecting post-stroke spatial neglect, treatment strategies have lagged. Researchers have developed a treatment approach based [..]

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Flexible Optical Fiber That Functions As A Temperature Sensor

Some optical sensing chip designs contain nearly as small nanostructures as the biological and chemical molecules they’re searching for. These nanostructures improve the sensor’s ability to detect molecules. But their diminutive dimensions make it difficult to guide the molecules to the correct area of the sensor. Researchers have created a new sensor that aims at [..]

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Coupled Lasers Generate Unique Light Pulses | Syntec Optics

Researchers have developed a first-of-its-kind terahertz laser that is compact, operates at room temperature, and can produce 120 individual frequencies spanning the 0.25 – 1.3 THz, far more range than previous terahertz sources. The laser is helpful in various applications, such as skin and breast cancer imaging, drug detection, airport security, and ultrahigh-capacity optical wireless [..]

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Diagnosing Bacterial Infections With Machine Learning | Syntec Optics

Deep neural networks are increasingly used for computer-aided diagnosis, but erroneous diagnoses can be extremely costly for patients. Researchers have developed a learning to defer with uncertainty (LDU) algorithm, which considers the diagnostic network’s predictive uncertainty when learning which patients to diagnose automatically and which patients to defer to human experts. The algorithm minimizes patients’ [..]

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Quantum Light Revolutionizes Time-Domain Spectroscopy | Syntec Optics

The effects of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines on human lung carcinoma cells have been studied by researchers. Scientists could investigate cellular components using Raman imaging without opening the cell. Cytochromes can be classified based on the lowest electronic energy absorption band in their reduced state, allowing them to be distinguished from one another. Laser excitation at [..]

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Holographic Encryption: A New Frontier In Optical Security | Syntec Optics

A new imaging technique (holographic camera) could one day allow doctors to peer into human tissue and behind bones, mechanics to inspect moving machinery like airplane turbines for tiny flaws, and automated vehicles to see through dense fog or around blind corners. A new study demonstrates how the process, known as synthetic wavelength holography, can [..]

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Nanocrystals Light The Way To Next-Gen Computing | Syntec Optics

It is critical to measure and influence the direction of oscillation of a light wave in quantum communication or optical computing. Polarization control of a continuous laser wave is possible for the first time (via a special glass fiber with mirrors attached at both ends). Scientists can now control the polarization of a continuous light [..]

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Light-Trapping Metasurfaces For Highly Sensitive Biosensors | Syntec Optics

Optical metamaterials will be in our pockets, kitchens, cars, and offices in the next three to five years. Experts in the field predict this. Because of increased technological maturity and lower production costs, doors to some profitable new markets for materials are opening. Optical metamaterials interact with photons using chemical compositions or surface properties smaller [..]

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Miniaturized FPAS: A Revolution In Gas Sensing | Syntec Optics

The Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) has capped off the first seven months of its survey run by smashing through all previous records for three-dimensional galaxy surveys, creating the most extensive and most detailed map of the universe ever. Yet the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument is only about 10% of the way through its five-year [..]

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Redefining Optical Modulators: A New Eras | Syntec Optics

Over the last two decades, photonic quantum technologies have reached several significant milestones. However, scalability remains a major challenge when translating lab results into everyday applications. Applications frequently necessitate using over 1,000 optical components, each of which must be individually optimized. On the other hand, photonic quantum technologies can benefit from parallel advances in classical [..]

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