SPACe: A New Era In Drug Discovery | Syntec Optics

New cardiology discoveries rely heavily on medical imaging. Researchers use cardiac imaging techniques to detect signs of artery disease that would not have been visible to doctors otherwise. The more tools we have to combat heart disease, the better. According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), it is still the leading cause [..]

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Event-Based Vision Sensor: A New Era of Lightning Observation | Syntec Optics

Researchers have developed a new type of high-efficiency photodetector. The concept comes from the photosynthetic complexes plants use to turn sunlight into energy. The researchers used unique quasiparticles known as polaritons. The new detector generates the particles in an organic thin film. Photodetectors are used in cameras, optical communication systems, and many other applications to [..]

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High-Impact Organic Metal Halide Hybrids For Optoelectronics | Syntec Optics

Organic light-emitting transistors (OLETs) are promising components for optoelectronics, smart display technologies, and electrically pumped lasers. They combine the light-emitting function of organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) and the current modulation (and signal amplification) function of organic field-effect transistors (OFETs) in a single device. High-mobility emissive organic semiconductors with tunable colors, which serve as the core [..]

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Infrared Spectroscopy: Revolutionizing C-C Coupling Analysis | Syntec Optics

Although the electronic states of a material‘s surface are only 2D, they contain a wealth of interesting physics. These states, which differ from the bulk of the material, dominate many phenomena, including electrical conduction, magnetism, and catalysis. They are responsible for nontrivial surface effects observed in topological materials and systems with strong spin-orbit interaction. Surface [..]

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DEEPscope: A New Era Of Deep-Tissue Imaging | Syntec Optics

Scientists must study the processes inside an operating battery to understand battery failures. The observations guide the development of faster-charging and longer-lasting batteries. Current techniques to study battery materials are complicated and expensive. They are not quick enough to capture the rapid changes in electrode materials. To understand battery failures, the researchers studied micrometer-sized rod-like [..]

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Leveraging Thermal Imaging Technology For Food Preservation | Syntec Optics

The surface temperature of a solar panel and the appearance of hotspots directly impact its efficiency. Researchers have developed a novel method for estimating the power efficiency of an on-field solar photovoltaics (PV) system based on data obtained from thermal imaging and weather instruments using an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). This method is designed explicitly [..]

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Tissue Model Reveals Role Of Blood-Brain Barrier In Alzheimer’s | Syntec Optics

Light-induced charged slippery surfaces (LICS), which regenerate charge when illuminated, have the potential to pave the way for next-generation interfacial materials and microfluidics. A copolymer, tiny liquid metal particles, and lubricant-trapping microstructures make up the new material. It has the potential to be used in lab-on-a-chip devices, biological diagnostics, and chemical analysis. Slippery lubricant-infused porous [..]

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Sea Sponges Inspire Bacteria-Based Microlenses | Syntec Optics

Bioactive glass, a specific mixture of sodium oxide, calcium oxide, silicon dioxide, and phosphorus pentoxide, is now used as an orthopedic treatment to restore damaged bone and repair bone defects. Bioactive glass is a material you put into your body, and it begins to dissolve, telling cells and bone to become more active and produce [..]

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High-Power Tunable Lasers Revolutionize Integrated Photonics | Syntec Optics

Engineers have created a switch, one of the most fundamental components of computing, using optical rather than electronic components. The advancement could help in pursuing ultrafast all-optical signal processing and computing. Optics has the potential to revolutionize computing by allowing it to do more at faster speeds and with less power. However, one of the [..]

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High Refractive Index Polymers For Eco-Friendly Optoelectronics | Syntec Optics

A new study looks at conjugating 2D perovskites with optically active transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs). The study can improve optoelectronic device performance and extend the functionalities of the perovskites. Despite their structural differences, 2D perovskites and TMDs can form clean interfaces due to van der Waals interactions between the stacked layers. Using accurate first-principles calculations, [..]

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MRI Compatible Virtual Reality System | Syntec Optics

Researchers have been experimenting with ways to reach people as VR technology improves, becomes cheaper, and more accessible – everything from treating PTSD to performing operas. Visual artists are the most recent to wonder how technology might push the boundaries of their field, looking for new ways to express themselves and share their work. However, [..]

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Speckle Contrast Optical Spectroscopy For Early Stroke Detection | Syntec Optics

Carbon-based materials have enormous potential for constructing a sustainable future; however, material scientists require tools to properly analyze their atomic structure, which determines their functional properties. One of the tools used for this is X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), but the results can be challenging to interpret. Now, researchers have created the XPS Prediction Server, a [..]

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PSMA-PET Imaging For Prostate Cancer Detection | Syntec Optics

Respiratory motion can influence the efficacy and safety of radiation therapy in the thorax and abdomen. Free-breathing 4D-MRI is a promising alternative to 4D-CT for motion management in MRI-guided linac treatments, providing excellent soft-tissue contrast with no ionizing radiation. High-quality MR images free of motion artifacts can distinguish lesions from normal tissue. MRI techniques, however, [..]

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Flexible Optical Fiber That Functions As A Temperature Sensor

Using carbon nanotubes, a new strain-sensing smart skin monitors and detects damage in large structures. The coating detects surface deformation by stress by utilizing the fluorescent properties of nanotubes. As part of the S4 non-contact optical monitoring system, the multilayered coating can be applied to large surfaces — bridges, buildings, ships, and airplanes, to name [..]

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Coupled Lasers Generate Unique Light Pulses | Syntec Optics

Detecting gases is critical for pollution monitoring, public safety, and personal health care. The sensors must be small, lightweight, inexpensive, and simple in various environments and substrates, such as clothing or piping. A research team has created the first highly customizable microscale gas sensing devices by combining laser writing and responsive sensor technologies. The challenge [..]

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Holographic Encryption: A New Frontier In Optical Security | Syntec Optics

A new holographic platform generates realistic holographic patient scenarios for training purposes. The first module covers common respiratory problems and emergencies. Mixed reality is becoming more popular as a method of simulator training. As institutions scale their procurement, there is a growing demand for platforms that provide utility and ease of mixed reality learning management. [..]

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Miniaturized FPAS: A Revolution In Gas Sensing | Syntec Optics

Researchers have shown that a new mid-infrared spectrometer can precisely measure the ratios of different forms of water — known as isotopologues — in atmospheric water vapor through open air in a little over 15 minutes. The new open-path mid-infrared dual-comb spectrometer (DCS) uses near-infrared femtosecond laser pulses and specially designed waveguides to create broadband [..]

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Nanocrystals Light The Way To Next-Gen Computing | Syntec Optics

2D semiconductor materials are making their way into optoelectronic devices — the sort used in telecommunication. These devices have started to surpass the performance of conventional switches made with silicon and III-V semiconductors (compounds with elements from columns III and V on the periodic table). Optical computing, an early approach that was later abandoned in [..]

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Light-Trapping Metasurfaces For Highly Sensitive Biosensors | Syntec Optics

Metamaterials are artificial composites that can interact with electromagnetic waves, including visible light. Our brains generate electromagnetic waves as they process information. The brain waves can trigger changes in metamaterials. Not exactly like telekinesis and telepathy in science fiction, but the research can have applications in real-life scenarios.  In a study, researchers used a brainwave [..]

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Self-Contained Microfluidic Test For Iron And Copper Detection | Syntec Optics

Researchers have developed a nonlinear optical crystal-based compact terahertz (THz)-microfluidic chip with several I-design meta-atoms for attomole (amol)-level sensing of trace amounts of solution samples. The I-design meta-atoms consist of metallic strips with micrometer-sized gaps sandwiched by other metallic strips, periodically arrayed in a row of 1 × 5 units. A point THz source (locally [..]

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